zum Benedikt Anliegen

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for Benedict’s cause

Papst Benedikt XVI beim lesen einer Zeitung an seinem Schreibtisch

“I wish the

catholic voice

to be heard.”

Pope em. Benedict XVI.

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The Tagespost Foundation for Catholic Journalism

- an initiative of Pope em. Benedict XVI.

Please support this great concern of our Pope Emeritus !

- with your prayer!

- with your donation!

junge Frau mit langen, braunen und lockigen Haaren lächelt fröhlich in die Kamera

In a sea of information, we need role models and orientation.

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI gives me orientation.

Clara (22)

With your donation:

  • You stand by the side of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.
  • and show him your attachment and gratitude!
  • You support the new evangelization!
  • You support young Catholic journalism!
  • You promote the protection of life!
  • You promote the independence of Catholic media!
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The Tagespost Foundation for Catholic Journalism stands for the issues of Pope Emeritus Benedict:

  • Faith as a benchmark
    Catholic journalists answer urgent questions on the foundation of our faith and measure events from church and society, in politics, culture and economy against what is always valid: against Catholic teachings
  • High-reach media
    They stand out from the crowd and set credible accents. Whether online or in print, readers should be able to form their own opinions based on facts
  • Economic independence
    Catholic media work must be protected from internal church disputes and political influence. To achieve this, we need funding that guarantees independence - outside of church taxes and government grants.

The "Tagespost Foundation for Catholic Journalism" combines these pillars. It makes it possible for the content of the Catholic faith to be brought to the point in an up-to-date, understandable and unabridged way and to be accessible where it is needed: In the family circle, in editorial offices, in universities, at schools and everywhere where opinions are formed and convictions are developed. It wants to help create a space in which the Church can grow.

This is how we give the faith a strong voice and a secure future!

With your help we can make this awakening in faith possible together!

Create lighthouses of faith! 
Strengthen Catholic journalism!

Pope em. Benedict XVI.

Guido Horst, Chefredakteur der Tagespost und Papst Emeritus Benedikt XVI. (links im Bild) schütteln sich die Hand.